My Olzon Cousins
NOTE: The spelling of Olzon was eventually changed to Olson; however, for both the Olzon Family Website and Liferway, I am going to remain with the Olzon spelling.
A picture from long ago. Identification, me, Royce, Nancy, and Raymond. During my youth, there would be Olzon family picnics. My grandmother Holtgrewe was an Olzon with five sisters and one brother. Periodically the families would get together for a picnic (usually in Fairbury). Several of us cousins were about the same age and had some pretty good times together.
For more Olzon cousin pictures go to the Pictures link and click on Olzon Cousins. I used the pictures from the Olzon Cousins Reunions because they captured the interaction of us all.
To familiarize yourself with the relationships for my cousins, click on this link to a PDF file of the Olzon Family Tree beginning with Alfred and Anna (Nelson) Olzon.
HINT Use your back button on the browser to return to the website
Images/cousins/Olzon Cousin Chart.pdf
1980 - 2004 The Olzon Reunions
On September 14, 1980, Arla Schultz (Veda branch) resurrected the Olzon reunions. The reunion was held in Davenport, Nebraska. We were all happy to reunite as adults and share family information and memories. By this time, the children of Alfred and Anna were all deceased. Melvin Schultz, Veda's husband and only remaining descendant from this generation did attend the first reunion.
These reunions continued for the next 20 years. During that time the cousins from all descendants of Alfred and Anna made an attempt to attend. They came from as far away as Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and California plus the closer states of Colorado and Kansas.
Updated February 25, 2015